perm filename AIM[NOT,DBL] blob sn#216653 filedate 1976-05-22 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	AIM Conference talk
C00005 ENDMK
AIM Conference talk

Naturally  I  was  happy  that you  asked  me  to  talk  at  the  AIM
conference, but  a few unfortunate conflicts make  it wiser for me to
turn that engagement down.

Here are some excuses (suggested strategy: merely look at  the number
of lines):

The  only   time  which  we   can  spend  in  Pittsburgh   itself  is
Tuesday-Friday,  the same days as the  conference. Before that, Merle
and I will be with her parents, who have  arranged their vacations to
coincide with our  visit (Philadelphia). Incidentally, Merle's mother
is  graduating  from  Temple   University;  that  was  the   original
scheduling constraint on this trip.  During the 4 days in Pittsburgh,
we  must find  a place  to live, open  accounts, look  for a  job for
Merle, look for  furniture, visit CMU,  etc., etc.   I wasn't on  the
original AIM  mailing list, and  I assumed that the  only orientation
was  toward medical applications  of computers and AI.   Finally, I'd
want to cut my oral talk down to 1 hour, and I  have little time this
weekend. Monday morning  we're leaving on the trip.   After trying in
vain to rearrange my schedule, I've given up.

Summary of excuses: If we'd planned it earlier, there would have been
no problem. As it is, I have too many commitments elsewhere then.

I hope that the  workshop is very productive for you.  It sounds like
just the right forum  for all the HPP groups' projects.  I'll see you
back here in a couple weeks.
